Shanghai Daily:The Internet to continue playing a big role in Chinese film: experts

Shanghai Daily 2018-6-21 By:XuWei


The Internet will continue to be a strong impetus behind Chinese cinema, experts told a forum on Thursday at Shanghai Theater Academy.

The forum, titled "Challenge vs. Opportunity: A New Era of Cinema," was a program of the ongoing 21st Shanghai International Film Festival. It gathered veteran filmmakers, scholars and critics from all over the world. 

The film industry in China is developing rapidly. China, with more than 50,000 screens and box-office revenue of almost 56 billion yuan (US$8.88 billion) last year, is on track to surpass the US as the world’s largest movie market.

According to Professor Shi Chuan, a movie critic from Shanghai Theater Academy, the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in the development of Chinese cinema.

"More than 80 percent of Chinese moviegoers buy tickets through ticket-selling websites and apps," the Professor said.

See-yuen Ng

Hong Kong filmmaker See-yuen Ng said that the film market in China still has big potential, with an increasing number of well-educated people and the improvement of living standards.

"The Internet will also provide a wide platform for talented scriptwriters," Ng said. "We can also learn from our foreign peers to present more diverse movies."

Insiders call for more original and thought-provoking productions. They also hope that art-house movies can achieve a wider platform for public showcase. 

At the forum, officials from Shanghai Theater Academy also revealed that they will launch a new film school to cultivate more film professionals in China.

