Shanghai Daily:Stirring anthems tell story of soldiers' bravery

Shanghai Daily 2019-6-26 By:XuWei


Stirring anthems tell story of soldiers' bravery
Ti Gong

The drama tells the story of Chinese soldiers' fight against Japanese invaders with the encouragement of military anthems.

The Shanghai Theater Academy’s new original drama “Military Anthem” is being staged at the STA Experimental Theater, paying tribute to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

It is also a cultural project supported by the China National Arts Fund and the Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation.

Set in the 1930s, the drama tells the story of Chinese soldiers' fight against Japanese invaders with the encouragement of military anthems.

According to professor Lu Ang, director of the drama, they try to depict the growth of young Chinese heroes at that time, and how the fate of a country is closely connected with its people.

It took Lu and students of the academy a long time for rehearsals. Many famous scores of Chinese military songs and ballads are featured, such as “Ode to Yan’an,” “The Yellow River Cantata” and the “Ballad of Yanshui River.”

